Master reboot beating the art room
Master reboot beating the art room

master reboot beating the art room master reboot beating the art room master reboot beating the art room

On my journey I have done truly amazing things with my life. It changed gradually, and each step on this journey have made me love myself and my life more. However, my life did not change overnight. But I have never given up, and now I get to reap the rewards. Many days I have failed, and I have had many major setbacks. Thanks to this forum, every day I have focused on strengthening the pathways in my brain that make me more of the guy I want to be. Goddamn, what a difference that attitude makes. And it is not even me and her against the world. With this girl I feel like we are a team. The girl who took my virginity truly is amazing. It is not some hooker who I lost my virginity to. On this journey, the quality of girls I have met and talked to have only increased. I am truly happy to have had such a challenge in my life, because I am certain I would never reach my potential without it. Everyday I improve myself, and it is only because this addiction forced me to face my problems. I’m in University, studying something that I love, and the people around me respect me. Not only have I finally become a guy that has a healthy sex life. I would never have become ME without YOU. This post is for all of you guys, thank you all for staying here with me and helping me. I hope you everybody who reads this finds motivation and inspiration from this post, and can learn from my journey. I especially want to thank, and This is an amazing forum, and I will never forget the help I have gotten from all the fantastic and strong people on here. There are so many people to thank for helping me along on the way. Porn is like a faint memory already, and it feels weird to consider it any longer. I get to truly be the guy I have always wanted to be. Finally, I get to be the guy that has sex. To not have to worry anymore about something that has been challenging me for as long as I can remember. It is so strange to complete a 6-year project of this magnitude. I promised to post this way earlier, but this has been incredibly difficult to write. It is the most significant shift I have ever experienced in my life, and I know that once you will reach it too, you will wonder how you could ever even consider this something out of your reach. Nothing more I feel ashamed about in my life. It is like a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders. It’s been a six-year long fight since I disappointed my first girlfriend in high school, and since then I have been ashamed and felt guilty about my sexuality. After that, I have had sex about 5 times, each time improving. One small trust for a man, but a giant leap for my manhood. Still, it is the biggest accomplishment of my life until now. It lasted approximately 5 minutes, and ended with me going limp. I’ve succeeded! Two weeks ago, I had sex for the first time. This post was originally written on my journal, but I wanted to put it here as well for all to see.

Master reboot beating the art room